Attend A Workshop About the Future of Columbus

Zone In is an initiative from the City of Columbus to update its zoning code after 70 years. The way we live, work and play is changing as our city grows and expands. As a valued community member, can you commit an hour to attend one of the upcoming sessions to discuss what the future of Columbus can be?

See the above flier for full details.

Your insight is invaluable to both the conversation and the solution in our zoning code.

The events are an open, interactive format for you and your guests. We want to help you Zone In for at least an hour at a future date below:

Can we count on your commitment to Zone In for at least an hour (hopefully you’ll bring a friend or 3 to participate as well!)?

Please email with your email, phone number and one of the following options:

👍 “Yes, I can commit to Zone In for one hour with a few friends at (LIST THE PREFERRED EVENT)

👍 I’d love to commit to a workshop, but I’d like to hear more about them. Contact me at EMAIL, PHONE.

Please share this invitation with friends, neighbors and everyone who shares a passion for our city’s future. The more diverse voices we have, the stronger our city can be!

Can’t make it?


Team Warhol & WALL ST.